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An Industry Leader In The Rice & Cereal Grain Processing Field For Over 50 Years

Design / Engineering / Equipment / Installations

Hercules™ Drag Conveyors.

Our drag conveyors are the arteries of the modern rice mill plants. Hercules™ Drag Conveyors have the following features:

  • Slow chain speed which decreases energy consumption.
  • The assembly is easy to use, simple, and cost-effective.
  • Run at up to 50 ft/min with a capacity of 10 cubic feet per minute at a length up to 400 feet per drive.
  • Ideal for products such as grain.
  • Easy alignment for proper maintenance.
thickness grading equipment drag conveyor pdf

Tell us about your project needs:
305.663.5500 /

We are proud to represent some of the industry major manufacturers, including:

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