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An Industry Leader In The Rice & Cereal Grain Processing Field For Over 50 Years

Design / Engineering / Equipment / Installations

Hercules™ Destoners for High Quality Production

A destoner machine is an essential piece of equipment in rice mills since it removes stones and other heavy impurities from the raw paddy before further processing. The machine works on the principle of density difference between the paddy grains and the stones, as the stones are heavier and settle at the bottom while the paddy grains float on top.

The destoner machine has several functions and benefits, including:

  • Improved Quality of Rice: Removing stones and heavy impurities from the paddy rice improves the overall quality of rice.
  • Reduced Wear and Tear on Other Equipment: Stones and heavy impurities can cause damage to other machinery, such as the husking and whitening machines. Removing these impurities with a destoner machine reduces the wear and tear on other equipment and extends their lifespan.
  • Increased Efficiency: By removing heavy impurities with a destoner machine, the subsequent processes in the rice milling process, such as husking and polishing, are more efficient and effective.
  • Enhanced Safety: Stones and other heavy impurities can pose a safety risk to consumers. The destoner machine reduces this risk by removing these impurities before further processing and packaging of the finished product.
  • Cost Savings: By removing stones and other heavy impurities before further processing, the destoner machine reduces the amount of wear and tear on subsequent equipment.

Overall, a destoner machine is a critical piece of equipment for rice mills, improving the quality and efficiency of the rice milling process while also enhancing safety and reducing costs.

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